Rick Ross Re-samples “Heather”

Like any other rap fan, I’m sensitive about my samples.

One of my favorite songs of all time, Souls of Mischief’s “’93 ’til Infinity,” brilliantly looped several seconds of jazz drummer/composer Billy Cobham’s “Heather” into a speedy backing track that’s equal parts chill and upbeat.  More recently, Rick Ross sampled the same few moments of the song for his Mastermind album closer “Thug Cry,” giving an alternative spin to Cobham’s composition.

It’s an interesting journey to hear a jazz jam be accelerated into a quick-fire ’90s rap joint about the simple things, then re-decelerated and flipped into a slow but twerkable modern rap record (note: the only thing fast about this song is Lil’ Wayne’s tongue on the second verse and the rate at which my rear end involuntarily moves as a result).  Rick Ross’ latest also features uncredited vocals by newcomer Betty Idol.  How about we give the ladies some official credit next time, Maybach Music.  After all, it was a woman who inspired the song that started it all.

Listen to the evolution of “Heather” below.

Originally published April 5, 2014.

Charlestina Milien